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My favorite holiday memories

By Penny Knapic, RN, Director of Assisted Living

Growing up we always went to my grandma’s either the weekend before or after Thanksgiving and Christmas so that all of her kids could come. She had a small house, and it was packed wall to wall, but it was so much fun to play with cousins. She always had so much homemade food including breads, poppy seed rolls, apple rolls and then the candies at Christmas and popcorn balls. Verenika (kraut pierogi) was the best food ever at both holidays. We never got a store-bought Christmas gift – it was always homemade. After we got a little older, our gift was to pick a handmade ornament off the tree. I still have some of the ornaments that my grandma made.

And then Uncle Earl and his movie camera – with those blinding lights, going around, videoing everything.

So much fun.

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