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Move to manor good for many in the family

When Jennifer Ross reflects on the events of the past few years, she is struck by God’s mercy, grace, and intervention in her family’s lives.

“Soon after my dad moved to Wichita Presbyterian Manor, my brother’s health had been failing for some time. He suffered from several maladies and was living by himself. Things became very, very bad. We thought we were going to bury him. But Glory to God, and lots of praying - we said we’d like our brother David to come here. That was two years in the planning.”

Today, David lives next door to his father, Charlie, in Assisted Living.

“He’s building confidence,” Jennifer said. “We’re not just grateful. We’re beyond grateful. We’re ecstatic. There’s no other place we could put him. We did our research and we know from when we placed mom that Presbyterian Manor had all the needed resources.”

The Ross family - siblings Jennifer, Steve, and David - along with their father Charlie worked together for the best outcome. It’s something their mother Nancy would’ve enjoyed witnessing. She passed away in 2019.

Nancy and Charlie met at the New York Theological Seminary, then spent the better part of the next 40 years serving as missionaries in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They eventually settled in Wichita.

Nancy moved into WPM in 2014, and Charlie moved into the manor in 2021.

“My dad was at home and visited her every single day,” Jennifer said. “It was beautiful. My father was getting older, but thought he was independent because we had people who would do things for him. He was getting more frail. He didn’t know how to cook or keep the house because Mom did that for him, and then I did that for him.”

After several hospitalizations, the family decided a move was in order. Jennifer said her dad continues to share the gospel at WPM..

“He is very involved. He prays with people, and continues his pastoral work in that way.”

It wasn’t long after their father’s move that the siblings began to understand the gravity of their brother David’s health battles.

“He had all of these issues,” Jennifer said of her brother, who lived in California at the time. “We were talking to Z (Zanette Brooks) in Assisted Living, and making sure we were all talking. It was so complicated. We weren’t sure he could handle the pressure of flying. My brother went out there twice - once to get the lay of the land and the second time to pack him up and bring him out here. I kept praying to St. George, to Jesus all the time.”
With God’s providence and the help of family and friends, David was able to make the move in February.

“God really make a way for him to be right next to Dad,” Jennifer said. “He was still working on walking and feeding himself, and now he’s doing all those things he’s been wanting to do. He’s enjoying all the amenities. He started using the pool and he’s so happy about that. There’s now weekly shopping, and using the scooters at the stores. Little bit, by little bit he’s getting better.”

Her Dad is likewise excited about the recent developments.

“He’s elated to have his son by him,” Jennifer said. “It’s good therapy and good medicine for both of them. They have their own space, and can get together when they want.”

Throughout the entire process, Jennifer said friends - old and new - have lent their hands to make lighter work.

“My aunt Barbara was instrumental in helping David get stronger to help him get out here,” Jennifer said. “And Gail, a friend from church. She helped advocate for him. It really was God’s mercy. We didn’t know how bad it was.”

Since the move the family has been grateful to the care of the WPM staff.

“Staff is so wonderful,” Jennifer said. “They are stars. They all should get a huge, huge raise. David alone takes over 10 medications, multiple times a day. Everyone has been so helpful.”

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