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Employee tests positive for COVID-19 at Wichita Presbyterian Manor 10/21

One non-direct resident care employee tested positive for COVID-19 at Wichita Presbyterian Manor.

The employee tested positive for COVID-19 with a rapid point-of-care (POC) test as part of pre-shift screening after reporting a close contact had tested positive for the virus. The employee passed pre-shift screening and wore personal protective equipment (PPE) as required during the last shift worked.

Through contact tracing, four additional employees were identified as possible close contacts. Employees who are vaccinated and asymptomatic will be tested prior to each shift and monitored for signs and symptoms. Employees who are unvaccinated will be asked to quarantine pending test results.

The Sedgwick County Health Department and KDHE’s Epidemiology Hotline have been notified. Employee surveillance testing will continue next week as required by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

PMMA strongly encourages residents’ families, employees and residents to carefully consider obtaining a vaccine for themselves as well as their loved ones. Every person who receives the vaccine will strengthen the protection for all residents, staff and the community at-large.

For more information about Wichita Presbyterian Manor’s response, go to PMMA’s (Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America’s) website,

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