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Activities for Seniors Wanting to Remain Active

Planning physical and social activities is a great way for seniors to support their overall wellbeing. While it’s great to check out the forecast for the day or the coming week, the weather can be unpredictable. Between pop-up rain showers and chilly, windy days, it’s incredibly important for seniors to remain active regardless of the weather. Read on to learn about some fun activities seniors can participate in to support their physical and mental well-being.

Playing Board or Card Games

Overall wellness involves more than physical activities. Mentally stimulating activities are also crucial in supporting a senior’s quality of life. Playing board and card games offers fun social activities that are also great for seniors looking to stay mentally sharp. 

Besides initiating or joining a game with fellow residents when it strikes your fancy, residents at Wichita Presbyterian Manor (WPM) can also participate in weekly Brain Fitness featuring various mentally challenging games to help you with focus and memory.

Doing Chair Yoga

Physical exercise is an ideal way to remain active, but sometimes mobility or balance issues may make you hesitant to participate in traditional exercise classes. Seated exercises like chair yoga offer a great alternative for those wanting to stay fit but want to minimize the risk of falls.

Using a chair to perform seated poses allows seniors to take advantage of the many benefits yoga provides. It offers safe, low-impact exercise to increase circulation and improve strength, balance and range of motion to promote healthy aging. WPM also has an indoor aquatic and wellness center where residents can swim laps in the pool, join an aquatic fitness class or take part in other physical wellness activities.

Cooking or Baking

For those culinary-inclined seniors, cooking and baking offer a tasty way to stay active, and you can share your creations with fellow residents. Added benefits include improved dexterity, fine motor skills and overall physical and mental health. Those who enjoy the process of chopping and mixing may also find it meditative and helps them unwind by reducing stress or anxiety. 

Culinary creation can give you a sense of accomplishment. While it can be incredibly therapeutic as a solo endeavor, cooking and baking can also be a social activity. Build social connections within your Independent Living community by inviting some fellow residents over for a group effort or join a cooking class. 

WPM’s Independent Living residences include full kitchens and Assisted Living has spacious kitchenettes that allow you to cook and bake. 

Painting Works of Art

Artistic endeavors like painting provide an outlet for self-expression. It’s been known to reduce anxiety and depression and enhance motor skills. The National Institute on Aging states that participating in performing and visual arts is potentially linked to improved memory, cognitive function, self-esteem and overall well-being.

Painting can also promote social interaction through classes. Wichita Presbyterian Manor encourages residents to nurture their creative side by participating in Art is Ageless®,our award winning program that’s fueled artistic expression since 1981. Through various art classes and programs, residents discover their inner creativity. They can also participate in an annual art exhibit and competition, with winning pieces featured in its annual Art is Ageless® calendar.

Joining a Book Club

Reading is another activity that can help aging adults stay mentally active. Research shows that reading helps improve memory and attention span, especially in seniors, and prevents long-term decline in cognitive function. Leisure reading can spark your curiosity about new subjects and let you dive into topics you didn’t know interested you until you read about them in a book.

Avid and new readers alike may also enjoy the social interaction from joining a book club to share their thoughts on what they’ve been reading. Books clubs help you widen your social circle and find fellow book lovers within your Independent Living or Assisted Living community.

Helping Local Hospitals and Shelters

Seniors can keep busy by knitting blankets, hats, socks or other requested items for nearby shelters and hospitals and enjoy the added pleasure of helping others. To ensure you’re doing the most good, be sure to learn the preferences of those who frequently visit nearby shelters. For example, homeless shelters may request items using darker colors like black, navy blue and charcoal gray, as they show less dirt and are more inconspicuous. On the other hand, you might choose light colors if you’re donating hats or booties for newborn babies to the maternity wing at a local hospital. 

When choosing materials, always focus on those that are durable, warm and soft to the touch. Knitters should opt for wool or wool blends when possible. It’s best to avoid yarns that feel scratchy and those made of materials that people may be allergic to, such as mohair or angora. 

Live Life at Wichita Presbyterian Manor

Wichita Presbyterian Manor offers numerous activities to help seniors remain active throughout the year. Our residents enjoy a full calendar of activities, including bingo, book clubs, cultural outings and so much more. So, you can live life the way you want to live it. If you don’t see an activity you’d like to pursue, just ask, and we’ll find a creative solution together.

Contact us at 316-942-7456 to learn more about the activities offered at WPM and schedule a tour today!

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