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Longtime dining services staff member retires

[caption id="attachment_6151" align="aligncenter" width="720"]

Yvonne Mimbi enjoys her farewell party while her fellow residents and staff members say their farewells.[/caption]

After 16 years of serving our residents with care in the kitchen and dining room, Yvonne Mimbi is retiring from the dining services team at Wichita Presbyterian Manor.

In that time, Yvonne has witnessed major changes in the way our residents experience meals and mealtimes. The No. 1 change is choice.

“Now it’s more like a restaurant style than when I started there,” Yvonne said. “It wasn’t like they could come in and choose what they wanted. Now they can.”

When Yvonne started in our kitchen, she was initially a salad maker. Later she graduated to pureeing foods for residents who required it, but that has also become less common. Spending time with the residents in the dining room was always her favorite part of the job.

“It’s about being around the residents; some of them are so pleasant to be around, and the staff too,” she said. Many told her how much they would miss her after she retires.

Some of the residents made a lasting impression on Yvonne. She recalled one gentleman who liked to make birthday cards for people – including Yvonne and other staff members. And she’ll always remember how he looked after his wife, who needed softened food. “He always made sure his wife’s food was the right consistency, and he wouldn’t feed it to her if it wasn’t.”

Leaving Presbyterian Manor is a bittersweet time for Yvonne. One of the things she liked best about working with older adults is that it reminded her of her parents, who have passed away. “It was like being around my mom and dad again every day. The residents are really sweet and interesting, and they tell you such interesting things from their past.”

We wish Yvonne the best in her retirement. And we’re grateful to everyone on our dining services team who makes mealtimes pleasant and enjoyable for all. Thank you!

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